Faculty Office Hours Policy

Every full-time faculty member of the Hayes School of Music is required to be available a minimum of 1.5 hours per week for every three (3) student credit or instructional workload hours up to a maximum of six (6) office hours during the regular academic year to consult with students. Requirements for part-time faculty will be prorated according to the number of hours taught. Office hours may be held as formal office hours, regular meetings in other locations, or electronic office hours. Electronic office hours are those regular, posted hours during which a faculty member is available to respond to electronic student inquiries. The Hayes School of Music values the professional relationship that develops between faculty and students in the educational environment. Thus, every faculty member should be available for face-to-face meetings with students, whether by formal office hours or by appointment. A schedule indicating the times available for formal office hours, meetings in other locations, and electronic communications must be posted outside the faculty member's office door, listed on course syllabi, and provided to the dean's office at the beginning of each semester. Electronic communication addresses, URLs, and/or phone numbers as appropriate must be listed on course syllabi and also provided to the dean's office. During the term of a summer session in which a faculty member teaches, office hours expectations are half of those during the regular academic year.

Approved September 1, 2006; Revised December 1, 2021.