Each year, the Hayes School of Music celebrates our students and donors with a scholarship luncheon. This annual tradition features chamber music performances, a guest speaker, an update on scholarships, and a thank you from the Dean to donors.
The 2024 Hayes School of Music Scholarship Luncheon was held on September 21 and offered an opportunity to connect students and donors while sharing our deep appreciation for the efforts of both. The Dean's speech from the 2024 luncheon is shared here to reflect the ever-growing ripple effect of scholarship gifts on the musical culture of the future.
Thank You Speech to Donors - from Dean James Douthit
I want to express my deepest gratitude to every one of you. Your generosity, belief in the power of music, and unwavering support for our students make this community strong and truly extraordinary. Our wonderful faculty members, many of whom are in attendance today, are the agents of providing this education for our students. Our dedicated faculty and staff, along with our dedicated donors, open doors of opportunity for our students and strengthen their ability to make a profound difference in the world through their music careers.
There’s a poem that I’m sure resonates with many of us—“We are the Music Makers” by Arthur O’Shaughnessy. The opening lines of the poem capture the essence of the artistic musical spirit:
“We are the music makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;—
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world forever, it seems.”
These words remind us that music, and art in general, is so much more than mere entertainment. It is a profound force—a source of inspiration, a catalyst for change, and a medium through which we express the deepest parts of our humanity that connect us to each other.
You, our generous donors, are the ones who make it possible for our students to step into this role as music makers and dreamers of dreams. Through your support, you enable them to explore their talents, find their unique voices, and bring their melodies to life. You empower them to sit by those "desolate streams" to reflect, to create, and ultimately, to move and shake the world.
These students will write the next symphonies, compose the next great songs, and create entirely new forms of musical expression. They will inspire and enrich the lives of thousands of students, ease the burdens and challenges of generations of clients through music therapy, promote the next generation of artists, record the next Grammy award-winning performance, and present their music on stages worldwide. Most importantly, they are also the ones who will carry the tradition of music forward, ensuring that it continues to be a powerful force for good in the world.
Your contributions do more than just provide financial assistance. They provide hope. They offer the possibility of a future where music remains a vital and vibrant part of our society. They allow students who might not have had the opportunity otherwise to pursue their passions, to hone their skills, and to bring joy and meaning into the lives of others.
As O’Shaughnessy beautifully puts it, “We are the movers and shakers of the world.” And this afternoon, I want to say that you—our donors—are also movers and shakers. You are shaping the futures of these young artists and professional music practitioners. You are helping to build a world where creativity and expression are valued, dreams are nurtured, and music continues to resonate through the generations.
Every note that these students play, every piece they compose, every student they teach, every client they serve, every engagement they have in the music industry, and every performance they give is a testament to your belief in them. And because of you, they can dream a little bigger, reach a little higher, and achieve more than they ever thought possible.
So, as we celebrate the incredible impact of your generosity, I want you to remember that you are part of something much larger than any of us. You are part of a legacy echoing within the walls of the Hayes School of Music—a legacy of music, dreams, and change. And that legacy will continue to grow and flourish, thanks to you.
From the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of all the students whose lives you have touched, thank you. Thank you for believing in the power of music. Thank you for supporting our students and for being true music makers and dreamers of dreams alongside them.
James Douthit, D.M.A.