Opera Workshop presents "Where Is Justice?"

Appalachian Opera Workshop presents "Where Is Justice?'

An evening of opera, dramatic works, and musical theatre

8:00pm on Friday, Nov. 15 and Saturday, Nov. 16

Mark your calendars and get tickets for the Hayes School of Music’s Fall Opera Workshop performance, directed by Dr. Tyler Young and presented by the students of the Opera Workshop!

The performance, titled "Where is Justice?", includes scenes from Sweeney Todd, Bonnie and Clyde, and Les Misérables, as well as songs related to the theme, such as Down in the Valley by Kurt Weill and The Old Things, Senator's Stump Speech, and The Trial of Susan B. Anthony by Steven Kohn.

These ticketed performances will be held in Rosen Concert Hall. Tickets are available from the Schaefer Center box office (links below). For a disability accommodation, please visit odr.appstate.edu

Update: We WILL be live-streaming the concert! It will be on our live-stream at music.appstate.edu/performances (only available for viewing during the time of the concerts). 

Tickets and Pricing

Tickets are available through the Schaefer Center box office.