Hispanic Heritage Month 2024

National Hispanic Heritage Month Concert

En Español: La Facultad de Música Hayes está celebrando el Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana

Sunday, September 22, 4:00 pm

The concert will be livestreamed at the time of the event.

The Hayes School of Music is celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month, which celebrates the history and culture of Hispanic and Latino Americans. National Hispanic Heritage Month began as a week-long commemoration in 1968 during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and later expanded to a month when it was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan in 1988. We continue to celebrate the rich musical heritage of the broader Spanish speaking world — Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.

The Hayes School of Music is proud to present a free concert on September 22nd. With music from Spanish Romantic composers of the nineteenth century to living composers, we are excited to share some musical rarities this year, including a solo violin work by Brazilian composer and folklorist, Flausino Vale. Also represented on the program is the work of the Venezuelan composer-pianist, Teresa Carreño. It’s hard to imagine a more colorful life than Teresa Carreño’s; not only an acclaimed piano virtuoso, but also an opera singer, composer of over 75 original works, and champion of living composers such as Edward MacDowell, her pupil. Mackenzie Azela is a young, active composer, whose work is readily available on Spotify, Bandcamp, Youtube, and Instagram.

Lush melodies and folk-based rhythms characterize the music of the more well-known composers on the program, Manuel de Falla, Federico Mompou, and Hector Villa-Lobos. Of these, Mompou relies least on folk melodies, shaping his own musical language in a more international European style. 

As in previous years, we feature poetry from diverse Latin voices, read by faculty from the English and Spanish departments.

Join us for this concert in Rosen Concert Hall! It can also be viewed via the Hayes School of Music live-streamed Performances page. Our hope is always that our listeners will be enriched by the discovery and delight of new favorite composers and new favorite works.