Bonny Method Level II Training
Offered in collaboration with the Appalachian GIM Institute, LLC, the intermediate training in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music begins with a 7-day, 50-hour intensive. Through didactic instruction and supervised practice in the Bonny Method, the Level II training seminar prepares the experienced therapist for beginning practice in the Bonny Method. Prerequisites include completion of an AMI-endorsed Level I GIM training, recommendation by the Level I trainer, minimum four personal sessions since Level I training, completion of any additional requirements stipulated by the Level I trainer, and application for admission (see below) to the Level II.
Through lectures, demonstrations, and supervised experiences as guide and traveler, this intermediate level training will prepare participants to:
- Develop and individualize inductions
- Differentiate guiding interventions for types of imagery
- Track imagery across a series of sessions
- Use verbal and nonverbal skills to process session material
Participants also will demonstrate knowledge of:
- GIM as a depth process
- Client assessment in GIM
- The GIM process across a series of sessions
- Clinical applications and contraindications
Level II training requires completion of follow-up assignments that address both professional development and personal growth. The assignments include guiding 10 or more single Bonny Method sessions with healthy adults, completing assigned readings and music projects, and personal GIM sessions. This training may be used toward completion of requirements for becoming a Fellow of the Association for Music and Imagery.
Three hours of graduate academic credit (MUS 5060) are available through Appalachian State University. Students registering for academic credit will be required to complete follow up academic assignments in order to receive credit. Those who have never attended Appalachian must apply for admission to the Graduate School and pay a non-refundable application fee.
See the Schedule and Costs for upcoming Bonny Method training sessions.
Contact Dr. Cathy McKinney for more information.
Music Therapy at Appalachian State University
Learn more about Music Therapy programs in the Hayes School of Music at Appalachian State University: