Level III Training Requirements

Level III Training Requirements

Level III Training in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music is a period of mentored independent study offered in collaboration with Appalachian GIM Institute, LLC. Because completion of the training requirements is largely self-directed, it requires that the student be intrinsically motivated and self-organizing. The requirements for Level III training are summarized below. Requirements may be altered  in accordance developments in the field and student need.

See the Level III Training Page for seminar descriptions.


Admission to the Level III Training in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music requires the following:

  • submission of a completed application form and 2 letters of reference from previous GIM trainers (Letters of reference not required of students who completed their Level II (Intermediate) training with Appalachian GIM Institute, LLC.
  • a personal conference with an Appalachian GIM faculty member
  • submission of a completed application form
  • payment of the Level III deposit

Trainees must have the necessary academic and clinical training to practice as a therapist in a clinical mental health discipline.

Initial and Ongoing Assessment

After the student has been admitted to Level III Training, the faculty will assess the student's knowledge base through review of previous academic and clinical work in psychological theories, counseling skills, music history and literature, psychopathology, aural perception of musical elements, imagery, symbology, and transpersonal concepts. The results of this assessment may determine additional individualized requirements that will be added to those outlined below or the waiver of some stated requirements. In addition, faculty and supervisors will conduct ongoing evaluation of the student's knowledge base through observation of the student's participation in discussion, written reports, application of knowledge within supervised sessions, and consultations.

Personal Sessions

In the Bonny Method, learning from personal experiences in GIM is essential to the acquisition of professional skills as a facilitator of GIM. Level III students are required to complete a minimum of 15 personal sessions after admission to Level III training and beyond those sessions experienced within seminars. These sessions must be conducted by an approved AMI Fellow who is neither a trainer with this program, nor a supervisor of the student, and each must include traveling to a complete music program. At least 10 of these must be in series by the same therapist.


Within the 3-year timeframe of Advanced Training, the student will complete a series of three 7-day intensive seminars, each encompassing 45-50 hours of instructional time and alternating between didactic and experiential components. In addition to didactic instruction at an advanced level and opportunities for both skill development and personal growth, these seminars allow the student to network with professional colleagues also engaged in the GIM journey. See the Level III Training Page for information on seminar content.

Music Projects

Music is the catalyst, container, and co-therapist in the Bonny Method of GIM. Deep awareness of music and a thorough understanding of both the music used in this method and of GIM programs is essential for effective facilitation of GIM sessions. Students will be expected to purchase recordings for 12 selected programs beyond those required for Level II (a total of 18 music programs) and to become thoroughly acquainted with them from the perspective of listener, traveler, and guide. In addition, the student will complete a written analysis of two music programs using two or more of the methods of analysis covered in the training.

Practicum and Supervision

Effective facilitation of Bonny Method sessions arises out of conscious application of knowledge and skill over time with a variety of clients who bring varied strengths and issues. In order to develop expertise in the Bonny Method, the student will facilitate a minimum 75 individual Bonny Method sessions using full GIM programs. No more than 15 of these sessions may be "only one or two" sessions. Approximately every fifth session must be supervised on-site or via video recording and subsequent conference with an approved Fellow of the Association for Music and Imagery for a minimum of 15 supervisions. The student will seek supervision from 2 or more Fellows over the course of advanced training. In addition, the student will seek a minimum of two case consultations for each of 2 clients in a 10-session series. Students are responsible for paying the supervisors' and consultants' fees.

In order to gain experience in group adaptations of GIM, the student will facilitate 10 group GIM sessions, one of which must be a 2- to 3-hour in-service for a professional group.

Assigned Readings

In order to acquire the knowledge base to support competent professional practice of the Bonny Method of GIM, the student will read and assimilate scholarly literature both in GIM and in related areas. These readings will be a combination of materials required of all students and books or articles in areas related to the student's needs or interests.

Case Studies

The case study format allows the student to reflect on a client's progress over a series of sessions in light of the themes presented, progression of images, and music selections, as well as in the way it relates to published literature related to the client's issues. With the written permission of the clients, the student will complete two case studies based on clients who each experience at least a 10-session series. The student will document one case in a scholarly form suitable for publication. The second case study will be presented orally in a professional forum.

Culminating Project

The student will demonstrate expertise in the Bonny Method of GIM through a culminating project that focuses on any aspect of GIM. The format will be flexible to best fit the nature of the project; however, the final project report will be grounded in the extant literature in GIM and related areas and will be documented in scholarly style.

Additional Assignments

Additional sessions, supervisions, or study may be required beyond what is listed above, if necessary for the student to achieve competence for the practice of GIM. When such requirements are added, the student may elect to withdraw from training. If the student chooses to continue, they will complete the additional work and assume responsibility for the costs involved. The student must demonstrate competence for the professional practice of GIM in order to receive a certificate of completion for this program and be recommended to the Association for Music and Imagery for Fellowship.


By the completion of training students will acquire the Competencies for the Professional Practice of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music adopted by the Association for Music and Imagery. Students will receive annual evaluation of their progress toward the acquisition of these competencies. Such evaluation will take into consideration prior education and experience, supervision reports, and participation during seminars. Students may be required to complete additional learning experiences beyond those listed here in order to demonstrate these competencies.


The program is designed to be completed within 3 years. Students who become inactive and remain inactive for three years beyond the originally projected completion date may be required to repeat earlier work or may be withdrawn from further participation in the program. Extension beyond 3.5 years exclusive of any period of formal leave will necessitate the payment of additional charges. By the completion of training students will acquire the Competencies for the Professional Practice of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music  adopted by the Association for Music and Imagery. Students will receive annual evaluation of their progress toward the acquisition of these competencies. Such evaluation will take into consideration prior education and experience, supervision reports, and participation during seminars. Students may be required to complete additional learning experiences beyond those listed here in order to demonstrate these competencies.

Music Therapy at Appalachian State University

Learn more about Music Therapy programs in the Hayes School of Music at Appalachian State University: