Orff-Schulwerk Teacher Education: Level II
Designed for individuals who have successfully completed an American Orff-Schulwerk Association-approved Level I course, this Level II course is intended to further develop participants' understanding of the Orff-Schulwerk process.
Instruction in basic pedagogy, movement, alto recorder, and selected special topics is included daily.
Course content includes singing, playing, and improvising in...
- duple, triple, compound duple, and changing meters
- major (Ionian, Lydian, and Mixolydian) and minor ((Aeolian, Dorian, and Phrygian) modes
- pentatonic and hexatonic scales.
Expressive movement as related to music and speech and increased understanding of historic and folk dance forms are emphasized. Participants will develop technique on alto recorder and accuracy in switching between alto and soprano instruments.
Visit the main page for the Orff-Schulwerk Teacher Education Program at the Hayes School of Music.
Music Education at Appalachian State University
The Hayes School of Music offers a Bachelor of Music in Music Education, which provides skilled musicians the opportunity to develop expertise in the classroom, ensemble, and private studio in preparation for careers and state certification as public music school teachers and directors. Read more about the Music Education program in the Hayes School of Music.