Invite children to comment on favorite songs, games, quilt patterns and stories. Have children draw pictures of family members, quilts, and people working and sharing singing and stories together. Assign one group to draw the families getting to the event, one group to draw entertainment for the children and one for sitting and working entertainment for everyone.
Children share pictures and teacher creates display of Mountain Life and Work in old Kentucky on bulletin board or wall. The display will have the quilt squares with pattern names, and the drawings of the "bees" by the students. Other items might include lists of the songs, games and tales studied in the unit, and photos of mountain life and music.
Students' display demonstrates awareness of purposes of the music, depicting music for work, recreation and artistic expression. Look for evidence of purpose for each song, game or item on display.
As students describe their quilt squares and drawings, look for personal responses to the selected patterns, song lyrics mentioned and favorite games.