Appalachian Chorale


Appalachian Chorale has reached capacity and is no longer accepting Spring registrations.

  • The community member category has reached its cap. Although we wish we could allow everyone to join, it was necessary to cap the class due to room capacity and safety reasons. 
  • Waitlist: Community members wishing to join a waitlist for this Spring, please complete this brief Google Form: Group Program WaitlistIf a spot becomes available, we will open the Iris Registration link to individuals in the order that they completed the Google Form. That form also allows you to request an email when the next semester's registration opens, so you can be among the first to register for any program!  
  • Walk-up registrations/participants are not accepted this season. Before heading to rehearsal, please ensure you have fully registered in Iris (you will immediately receive messages titled "Informational Email" and/or "Payment Receipt" if successful).

Appalachian Chorale

The Appalachian Chorale is a large choral ensemble open to all students, faculty, and members of the High Country community, with no audition required. The Chorale provides an opportunity for musical growth and enjoyment through the rehearsal and performance of choral masterworks. Any interested singer who can read music and carry their part in four-part harmony is encouraged to join.

The Appalachian Chorale is directed by Dr. DaVaughn L. Miller, Associate Professor of Music (Gospel Choir and Choral Ensembles)! A two-time App State alum, Dr. Miller has conducted the App State Gospel Choir in prior years and and now conducts the Gospel Choir, Appalachian Chorale, and Glee Club. 

Registration Filled for Spring! (30 out of 30 registered)

The ensemble is currently capped at 30 community members (= non-App State students) due to room capacity and safety reasons. This will be the first 30 non-student individuals to have completed registration and payment in the Iris form. Walk-up registrations/participants are not accepted this season. Before heading to rehearsal, please ensure you have fully registered in Iris (you will immediately receive messages titled "Informational Email" and/or "Payment Receipt" if successful). The form will automatically stop accepting entries when the cap is reached. The registration link is available further down this page. 

The registration period for Appalachian Chorale is in August and January of each year. Visit this page at those times to join the Appalachian Chorale.

Ensemble Information

Community members will register for the Appalachian Chorale through the Community Music School. App State students must register through Appalnet.

  • Conductor: Dr. DaVaughn Miller
  • Time: Mondays 7:00-9:00pm
  • Date(s): Mondays 1/13/25 - 4/15/25
    • Concert on Tuesday, April 15
    • No rehearsal January 20 (Holiday) and March 10 (Spring Break).
    • A syllabus will be provided.
    • App Chorale follows the Appalachian State University semester schedule.
  • Location: Room 214 of the Broyhill Music Center
  • Price: 
    • App State students' participation is part of their college tuition. 
    • Our current price for community members to participate is $75.00 per semester. 
      • For need-based pricing options, see "Pricing and Payment" below. 
  • Participants are expected to attend all rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and performances.
  • A syllabus will be provided by the first rehearsal.
  • Please arrive early to the first rehearsal to fill out the required Photo/Video/Sound Release Form, which will be necessary in order to participate in the ensemble. As an official App State class/ensemble, the Appalachian Chorale will appear in live-streams, App State promotional photos, etc.. 
  • High school students (14-18) may join with the approval of the App Chorale director. Interested high school students should email Dr. DaVaughn Miller ( for permission prior to registration. 

Looking for a choral opportunity for youth ages 7-14? Join the Appalachian Youth Chorale

Register Here

App State students (all majors), to have this class counted as one of your courses, you will need to register for Appalachian Chorale (MUS 1109) through Appalnet, not through the Community Music School. For questions about registering as an App State student, contact the music office at

Community Member Registration and Payment Link (Not for Course Credit):

The form will stop accepting entries once the maximum of 30 is reached. 

Registration Tips

  • If asked for a code, enter AppChoraleSpring25.
  • For technical help with Iris Registration forms, please contact Carey Driskell (, (828) 262-2942) in the Office of Conference and Event Services.
  • See "Pricing and Payment" below for more about the pricing options. 
  • For participants under 18 (accepted only with prior permission of instructor), a parent or guardian must fill out the Youth Form before the first rehearsal. The link will be sent to registrants and posted on the website when it is is time to fill out.


Pricing and Payment

The Hayes School of Music and the Community Music School welcome you to the Appalachian Chorale and request your help in making this program sustainable!  Our current price for community members to participate is $75.00 per semester. 

Opening this college course to community members costs the Hayes School of Music, Community Music School, and App State $150 per participant. Providing a meaningful and focused experience for a class of this size takes additional work and supplies beyond that budgeted for the regular college class in areas such as sheet music, assistants, pianist(s), faculty, staff, and administration. 

We ask each community participant to pay $75 in order to help support these costs.

We are still testing a model in which scholarships for group programs are available based on the honor system. During registration, much like last semester, you will be able to select a payment amount from the options below:

  • Pay $150 - Cover all costs for your participation (thank you!)
  • Pay $75 - Suggested contribution per person
  • Pay $25 - Need-based pricing option

Participants needing the full tuition covered, email with your reason you would need a waiver of the $25 minimum before you complete registration. (Please pursue this option promptly if needed, since registration is capped at 30 community members in order of registration. Your registration is not complete until after the payment office has manually waived the $25 minimum and you have returned to the Iris form to check out. The fee waive process may take a few hours to 2 business days; at any time you may choose to finish regular payment/check-out to immediately secure a space.)